The benefits of using a nebuliser: a comprehensive guide

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In the realm of respiratory care, nebulisers play a crucial role in delivering medication directly to the lungs, offering relief for various respiratory conditions. This article explores the numerous benefits of using a nebuliser, answering common questions and providing valuable insights for potential users.

Is it safe to use a nebuliser daily?

The safety of daily nebuliser use depends on the type of medication being administered and the condition being treated. For chronic conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or cystic fibrosis, daily use of a nebuliser can be not only safe but also essential for managing symptoms and improving quality of life. However, it is crucial to follow your doctor’s guidance to avoid potential side effects from overuse of medication.

For instance, using a nebuliser to deliver bronchodilators or corticosteroids daily is common for managing chronic respiratory conditions. As with any medical treatment, adherence to prescribed doses and monitoring by a healthcare professional are key to ensuring safety*.

*Trifectiv Plus Air should not be used in conjunction with inhaled corticosteroids as the two actives cancel each other out.

Who can benefit from nebulising?

Nebulisers are versatile devices beneficial for a wide range of individuals, particularly those with respiratory conditions. Here are some groups that can benefit from nebulising:

  1. Asthma patients: Nebulisers provide an effective way to deliver medications that reduce airway inflammation and prevent asthma attacks.
  2. COPD sufferers: For individuals with COPD, nebulisers can help deliver medication, improving breathing and reducing the frequency of flare-ups.
  3. Young children: Nebulisers are especially useful for young children who may struggle to use other types of inhalers. They can sit comfortably while breathing in the medication.
  4. Elderly individuals: Older adults who have difficulty using inhalers due to arthritis or coordination issues can benefit from the ease of nebuliser use.
  5. Individuals with severe respiratory infections: Those suffering from conditions like pneumonia or bronchitis can use nebulisers to easily administer antibiotics or other necessary medications directly to the lungs.

What does a nebuliser do for the body?

A nebuliser transforms liquid medication into a fine mist, allowing it to be inhaled deeply into the lungs. This direct delivery system ensures that the medication acts quickly and effectively. Modern nebulisers are very effective, delivering particles of 2-3 microns. These particles reach the smaller airways more effectively, delivering the mist and medication more deeply into the lungs.

Here are some specific benefits of nebuliser therapy:

  1. Immediate relief: By delivering medication directly to the lungs, nebulisers provide rapid relief from acute symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.
  2. Efficient medication delivery: Nebulisers ensure that a high concentration of medication reaches the lungs, enhancing its efficacy compared to other delivery methods.
  3. Reduction of systemic side effects: Since the medication is delivered directly to the lungs, there is minimal absorption into the bloodstream, reducing the risk of systemic side effects.
  4. Ease of use: Nebulisers are simple to use, making them accessible for all age groups and particularly useful for those who may have difficulty using other inhalation devices.

For those looking for an effective nebulising solution to use as a prophylaxis or for an active pulmonary infection, consider Trifectiv Plus Air nebulising solution. It is fast and effective against viral and bacterial infections while reducing inflammation and eliminating biofilm making it an efficient and natural treatment for the respiratory system.

How long should you use a nebuliser for?

The duration of nebuliser use can vary depending on the condition being treated and the specific medication regimen prescribed by a healthcare provider. Typically, a nebuliser session lasts between 5 to 15 minutes. Here is a general guideline for different scenarios:

  1. Acute asthma attack: During an asthma attack, a nebuliser may be used until relief is achieved, which usually takes around 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Chronic conditions: For chronic conditions like COPD or cystic fibrosis, regular nebuliser treatments may be prescribed daily or multiple times per day, with each session lasting about 10 minutes.
  3. Post-surgery recovery: After certain surgeries, nebulisers may be used to deliver medications that aid in lung function and prevent infections, typically for three or four days to weeks as needed.

Always follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider to ensure the most effective and safe use of the nebuliser.

Is nebulising contra-indicated for anyone?

While nebulisers are safe, there are certain conditions and situations where nebulising might be contra-indicated or require caution:

  1. Allergy to medication: Individuals with known allergies to specific medications should avoid nebulising with those medications and consult their healthcare provider for alternatives.
  2. Certain heart conditions: Some medications delivered via nebuliser can increase heart rate or blood pressure, which might be risky for individuals with certain heart conditions. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting nebuliser therapy.
  3. Hyperthyroidism: Medications like bronchodilators can potentially exacerbate symptoms in individuals with hyperthyroidism. Medical guidance is essential in such cases.
  4. Infections: If a person has a contagious respiratory infection, using a nebuliser in shared spaces without proper sanitation can increase the risk of spreading the infection.

Consulting a healthcare provider is essential to determine if nebuliser therapy is suitable and safe for your specific health condition.


Nebulisers offer a practical and efficient way to manage various respiratory conditions, providing quick relief and improved medication delivery. Combine this easy to use device with Trifectiv Plus Air nebulising solution to deliver our non-toxic medical-grade hypochlorous acid deep within the lungs and nasal cavities, to enhance respiratory health. Whether you are dealing with chronic conditions like asthma and COPD, using the solution to prevent infection, or are treating an active respiratory infection like RSV, this therapy can significantly enhance respiratory care.


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