Virtual Seminar – Biomedical & Cancer Research (Feb 2023)

Patients undergoing radiation therapy often end up with skin injuries as high doses of radiation cause significant harm to healthy tissue and skin. This case study explores the use of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in the treatment of acute radiation injury of the lower eyelid skin, showing that treatment at home, monitored by the health care provider, can save time & money, and improves the patient’s quality of life.

Case Study – The use of hypochlorous acid in the healing of a diabetic foot ulcer (Dec 2022)

These 2 case studies describe the successful treatment of diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) in two patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. HOCl is effective for multiple drug-resistant pathogens, is anti-biofilm and modulates inflammation, leading to healing. The protocol can be followed at home, saving patients both time and money, and improving compliance and quality of life.

Case Study – The use of hypochlorous acid in an irradiation ulcer of the lower eyelid (Nov 2021)

Radiation therapy represents an important cornerstone in the treatment of numerous cancers, as evidenced by the fact that approximately 50% of patients with cancer will receive this form of treatment. In 95% of these individuals, radiation therapy causes some form of skin injury as high doses of radiation causes significant harm to healthy tissue and skin. Management of injuries due to ionising radiation is challenging, with injuries ranging from acute redness to full ulceration of the skin. This can cause considerable anxiety and discomfort to patients. This case study explores the use of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in the treatment of acute radiation injury of the lower eyelid skin.

Case Study – The use of hypochlorous acid in an OXA-48 multiple drug-resistant Enterobacteriacea-infected lower leg wound (Aug 2021)

Here, we present a case on OXA-48 Klebsiella pneumoniae wound infection, a carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae MDR Gram-negative bacteria that was treated successfully with Trifectiv Plus hypochlorous acid gauze dressings retained with crepe bandages. This approach was successful in eradicating the OXA-48 infection, and further instrumental in the control of inflammation, which allowed the wound to heal completely within 60 days.

Case Study – The use of hypochlorous acid in an infected burn wound (June 2021)

Here we describe an example of a non-healing, inflamed superficial to partial thickness burn wound that appeared to be associated with biofilm. Special reference to the relationship among biofilm, inflammation and non-healing of burn wounds is illustrated in the case study given. This case study also explores the use of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in an infected burn wound.

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